It has been quite a while for posting, I know. With this coming New Year comes resolutions. There are several definitions for resolution.
Resolution: a) a solution
b) finding a solution to a problem
c) a settlement, something settled or resolved, the outcome
d) analysis into clear cut components
I take all these definitions to mean that one of the first steps to finding a resolution is to actually acknowledge that there is a problem. Almost like AA. If you are like me, then you are aware of many areas of your life that you would consider problematic. Areas that upon closer inspection really could use some tweaking if not complete renovation. Two issues come up when we start this analysis of problematic areas in our life.
Conviction: Do we really want to change those mediocre grey areas? I know for a fact that I have issues with several things including not following through, being consistently late, and no concept on how to control my financial spending. I am constantly stressed out by all three and the thought in the back of my mind that life would be a little easier where I to fix these three things. But everytime I have thought that I would give effort to these areas I look back now and realize that I did it half heartedly. Obviously life hasn't been unbearable with these minor flaws and I have survived, so why really try to commit to change in these areas? A very sad realization. The fact that I would settle (resolve) to stay below my potential is not very attractive. What does it take to really look back and realize that these little things that I assume just add simple stress are really parts of a bigger whole that reflect my relationship with an Almighty God?
God has been trying desperately to reveal the answer to that question. I just have tried just as desperately to ignore it. Scripture says that I am a child of the Father. That I am to show Him to all of the world. When I don't follow through on something, I am saying that the promise or agreement I originally made has lost its importance. God is not wishy-washy. For lack of a better term. He keeps His promises and stays with His original thought. So how am I showing who Christ is when I break my promise or don't follow through? When I am consistently late I am showing a lack of concern for the event or person I am late for. I am telling them with my actions that they are not important to me. I can't recall any passage in the bible where Jesus showed he did not care for another human being or issue. Jesus was always taking time out of His schedule to stop and pray, heal or simply talk to complete strangers. I can't even plan accordingly so that I will be ready for people I love! My finances also reflect on my relationship with God. All that I have belongs to Him. When I don't give back in Thanksgiving or spend it as if it were mine to do with what I want, it shows a complete lack of disrespect for God and the blessings He allows in my life. It also hinders me from being able to bless others. God has given me a salary not to fulfill my needs but to glorify Him further! What a crazy responsibility that I throw away more often than not.
The long and short of it is that even the little things matter. So my conviction should be stronger even in the least of these areas. I pray that the Holy Spirit convicts me to realize the ramifications of my actions. To allow me to know that even these things display my love for Christ and for people. No more time for posting today. I have promises I have to keep!