I just finished reading this awesome book. It's called "Radical" by David Platt. Pretty amazing. He makes amazing points and backs it up with scripture. In the book he talks about many things (most are hard to swallow and own up to) and then at the end he gives out a challenge to commit to a year of living radically. So for year I have committed to the following things:
1) Pray for the entire world
I know this sounds cliche. I mean, of course we pray for and think about the whole world, but do we really? I don't. I want to. I plan to. But I never DO. In Matthew 9 Jesus tells his disciples to pray for people to be sent to spread the Word. I don't want to randomly send up words for world peace and think I have done my duty. I want to fervently pray for specific needs all over the country and globe and I want pressing needs to be placed on my heart for people (maybe myself) that will be mobilized to venture out across the waters to places that are not safe and not yet reached.
2) Read through the entire word
This is something I have never done. Frankly, I have never ever been a fan of the "read the Bible in a year" fan club. I always thought it was ridiculous and not heart-felt at all. It seemed like another mundane task instead of soaking up God's Word. But you can't pick and choose Words of Life that are God-breathed. You can't say, "Oh, I can tell you what God said about loving others and being kind to each other, but I thought the whole 'Fear Me' thing was a bit redundant in the Old Testament, so I can't recall a lot." I want to search and discover what God designed from the start of life, not just the warm, fuzzy pieces that I choose. I have really been thinking about this one since January when one of my friends decided to read the Bible in a Year. I wasn't in agreement, but it made me start to rethink my judgement. In 2 Timothy it tells us that the Word is able to equip, protect and a whole bunch of stuff. I think I should give His Words a little more thought.
3) Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
Whew. This is a tough one. I feel, like most true Americans, that I never have enough. Even when I know I am totally blessed. Never have I made a sacrifice that is monetary and completely on faith. But isn't all that I have ever received a gift from God? Something that has never belonged to me? A lot of roadblock I build up in this area is the ridicule and 'she's out of her mind' looks and lectures that have come from past experiences of talk or action of "reckless giving". One should look after themselves first right? Make sure that they have a good savings to fall on. Money for retirement. All of that. I hear it constantly. And it isn't that I don't understand. Or even agree on some comfort level. But I know I was not designed to build up worldly treasures for myself or my loved ones. So despite my fears I want to step out radically in this department. I have so much. I not only have to sacrifice the things of comfort and safety that I want or feel I need, but I also have to lay my finances in God's capable hands. I have debt that I need to take care of so I can give MORE. Sadly this will probably be one of the hardest of the five tasks this year. I pray that God will guide my decisions and that I won't be led astray by the scoffers or worriers. In Matthew 6 it says that where my treasure is, there my heart will also be.
4) Spend my time in another context
The great send-off, great go-getter, great "get your butt up and movin" speech in Matthew says to go into alll corners of the world. So for one week I am going to spend my time out of my comfort zone. I am going to use my talent in a foreign land. This could lead to a life committment, a yearly venture or open doors to other opportunities. I have no idea. I just know that I need to go. That I need to see. That I need to be there in person to let someone across the globe know that God loves them and I want to tell them in person because it matters so much that they hear. It's not only a pull of my heart for some time, but a command ( NOT OPTION) that God gives me so that all the world will hear.
5) Commit my life to a multiplying community
This might be the second hardest. I need to look around me and realize that the place I live is full of need. The community I drive around in daily needs to know that God loves them and there is a Savior just as much as the African tribe in the jungle or the orphanage in Russia. The children I teach need to know that there is someone that is stable, commanding, loving, everlasting, who keeps His promises over and over, who is firm, who forgives and who saves. I have sadly WASTED two years in a place where I could have been proclaiming His name and instead was loving mediocrity between this world and what I have been created for. I have been lukewarm. I have been half alive. What an insult to the One who desperately loves me and gave His life for me.
So I want to be radical. I want to be different. I'm not sure the details of what that looks like. But I know I am promised persecution. I know I am promised mockery and hatred and rejection. I know I am also promised life in abundance and a reward that is far greater than I can imagine.
In the Bible there is a verse that says, "Do not be afraid of those that can kill the body but not the soul. Rather be afraid of the One that can destroy both body and soul." Matthew 10:28
The worst the world can do is kill me.