Who is this gal??
She is confident in her Lord Jesus.
She believes in second chances (and sometimes thirds and fourths...)
She knows that she knows that she knows that God loves her.
She knows she is a masterpiece in a working progress.
She is on her way to Africa.
She is called to serve.
She is created in His image.
She is exhausted but truly filled with His joy.
She hasn't felt this alive since two years ago.
She is addicted to steamed edamame.
She has amazing friends.
She herself hasn't always been the amazing friend.
She is working on that.
She is getting her life and finances in order ONLY by the grace of God.
She is a child of God.
She is going back to working out in the mornings.
She is a Daniel, and a Sarah, and a Ruth but also a Naomi.
She is free.