Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So Much Has Been Given...

To whom much is given, much is expected. (paraphrased from scripture).
That seems to be all I can think about lately. It isn't chance or luck that things happen they way that they do. Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking of what has really been given to me and what has been expected, but I have ignored. Forgive me if I am not making any sense, but my mind is reeling with thoughts and emotions that have developed over the past few weeks and I can't seem to get it all down in a orderly fashion.
Just know that two old friends of mine are struggling and yet praising at the same time. My friends Nate and Trish are married. They had one of the most beautiful weddings ever. Beach, sunsetting afterward, birds flying over in a perfect "V" as they were saying their vows. I remember Nate being absolutely head over heels (aka semi obsessive) over the first and second and third encounters with Trish. Although she was not at first (haha Trish, i remember our talks!) She now is absolutely lost without him. They went on to other things as did I. I don't know details but I know that they chose to serve the Lord together which is so beautiful in itself. They dedicated their lives and surrendered to all God had to offer to them. I have seen them in tiny bursts throughout these past years. Always is the firm faith in a God who loves them. Through Trish's battle with Cystic Fibrosis I have been able to witness their love for each other and for a God who holds them in His hands. Several months back Trish and Nate found out they were pregnant and expecting a little girl. How exciting and yet how scary. After sometime Trish was on oxygen and doctors were concerned about the strain both mother and baby were going through. The odds were so against them in every way.
In a situation where life is everything but perfect I want to say I will trust in God and praise Him in the storm. I want to think and know that I TRULY believe God when He says he will do immeasurably more than I can imagine, that He will never give me what I cannot handle. It scares me to think of how much I might actually be able to handle.
Seeing Nate and Trish not just work through this hard time but actually praise God during the hard time gives me hope. It gives me peace. It is the faith I see in Trish's eyes as she is hooked up to who knows how many cords and machines, laboring for breath and still finding enough to laugh and ask how I am doing. How humbling. God you show up in so many forms.
Trish went into surgery Tuesday and came out better than hoped. Still unsure, but still here. With her came one of the tiniest daughters of the King I have ever seen. Gwyneth Rose is a miracle. No other form of luck, chance or science can put it more plainly.
I cannot fathom the mindset or heart matters of Nate or Trish as this trying time is taking place. I do know that I have never been more sure of God and His presence.
So here I sit, finally ready after 27 years of life to start to live up to the expectation. So much has been given to me and I have sat for years receiving and more often than not, complaining. I have ventured when all safety precautions are a go. I have explored under the haven of comfy dwellings and cushioned surroundings. Now it is time to fully and dangerously surrender to a God who knows the plans He already has for me.
Continue to pray for Nate, Trish and Gwyneth Rose. Nate's blog can keep you updated.

1 comment:

Rick Lawrenson said...

Powerful stuff, Jenny! Keep it up.

But wow, so much pink!!