Love is so amazing. I'm not talking about the movie love. Or the love that sparks inside of you for the opposite sex. I'm talking about true love. The love that is so strong it moves you. The love that is so strong sometimes you just can't do anything but sit and take it in and be amazed by it. The love that a lot of us tend to fight even when we know it is there for us. The love that spills out of us in those rare moments that we allow it to. The compassion that is spurred by a love for the human life. Sometimes the love we never thought we had or knew. The just love that God created. It swells in my soul sometimes so much all I can do is cry. Not a sad or happy cry. Just an overwhelming love. It gets pushed back sometimes as well as I try to prove I don't need anyone or anything. It gets rejected as I fight it and fling it aside like a dirty rag so I don't have to feel anything or be held accountable. It gets abused as I feed it and use it for things of this world that are not lasting. It is so resilent. It is so moving. It is so precious. It connects time and space and human hearts to a King who holds power in His hands. It creates our feeble minds and fragile souls into an image we are not worthy of but were given anyway. I wonder how many times I have used the word love casually as a familiar phrase. Lord help me to love. Lord remind me daily of the labor of love You have poured out for me. Let me also die to myself so that Your love remains.
Please keep in prayer:
PRAISE GOD!!! Gwyn and Trish are both home together with Nathan!
my friend Sonja and her family
the Pickett family
BJ, my sister's boyfriend
my future job
Rhonda's dad and mom
the people who survived the quakes
hey! i just came across your blog. i miss seeing your beautiful face bright and early every morning when you braided my hair in hong kong! Fun times! Just wanted to say hi...I see that Africa is in your future. That is awesome! I am so excited for you!
you should update! :) Love you!
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