Monday, January 14, 2008

A Rocky Path...

So, if you have been reading the news like I have (the international news anyway) then you know that Kenya has gone through some stuff lately. Although they HAVE NOT closed their borders, several travel agencies have advised against traveling there. What was once the most peaceful country in Africa is right now in turmoil and chaos. Over 600 people have been killed and reporters who want to make headline are likening it to the Rwanda Genocides. It is very unsettling for anyone to hear that people use violence when they don't get their way. You would think after decades, centuries, no wait, OUR WHOLE HISTORY of living with violence we would wake up and realize it isn't the way. Unfortunately, no matter where you turn there it is.
I have had several people contact me to see if I am going to Africa still. I say yes. Am I terrified? Yes. Am I worried? Yes. Am I intimidated? Yes. Am I still going? Yes. I know that now, more than ever, I am needed. When I read the news I don't immediately think of it as unsafe for me, but I think of kids and families that are over there, and the fear they must have. Then I think, if they don't have God, who calms their fears? If they don't have God, who holds them?
Should I run over to Africa saying that I will go in the trenches because I have God? I don't know how to answer that question. Should I stay back because the road has gotten more rocky? I know the answer is no. Choosing God does not mean choosing the wide paved road.
Saying yes to God does not mean dropping everything and going to Africa. Just so we are clear on that. Never do I want to make myself or anyone else think that they because they did not leave fam and go foreign makes them doubt their commitment to God. I believe that I can serve God right in the United States. There are people who are in violence everyday in our country. I have plans (if they go along with God's) that bring me back to the US to minister to classrooms in our own country. But right now I don't feel is the time for that.
I have many people who support me in going. Who pray for me as we all should pray for each other. I have many people who do not wish me to go. They also pray for me as I pray for them. I may not understand the full picture yet, but I am aware of the risks involved. Just as I would be aware of the risks of teaching in an inner-city here in the states. Violence is unfortunately all around wherever we go. But there is also love, and hope and surprises, and smiling faces and random acts of kindness and friendly waves and eager minds! How great an opportunity to explore those things! To run into them everyday! How more exciting to run into them out of my element. Out of my comfort zone. Be it Harlem or Africa. For right now, my path goes to Africa.


CFHusband said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you for writing this. I needed to hear it.

You are an amazing woman who is chasing God's own heart. I know you have it in you!